I was listening to the Book of Mormon Soundtrack whilst I wrote these, so it kind of stuck.
To any mormons reading these, please take no offense! I'm sure most aren't accurate seeing as how I know very little about the religion.
1) Accolade: any award, honor, or laudatory notice.
The Broadway Musical The Book of Mormon receives accolades nation wide.
2) Acerbity: harshness or severity, as of temper or expression
The mormon commented with acerbity about the Broadway musical.
3) Attrition: A reduction in numbers; a wearing down or weakening of resistance.
The Book of Mormon has high attrition regarding the attendance of mormons.
4) Bromide: a platitude or trite saying.
This book will change your life is a bromide mormon saying.
5) Chauvinist: aggresively patriotic or sexist.
6) Chronic: constant, habitual
Mormons are chronic doorbell ringers.
7) Expound: to set forth or state in detail
Mormons are capable of expounding their religious missions.
8) Factionalism: the splitting of groups into factions
I don't know if factionalism is involved the in the Mormon religion....
9) Immaculate: free from moral blemish or impurity
The mormons polygamist past is less than immaculate.
10) Imprecation: a curse, malediction
Mormons would never imprecate another person for fear of losing their planet.
11) Ineluctable: incapable of being evaded
Mormons are ineluctable when they come to your door.
12) Mercurial: Subject to sudden or unpredictable changes
Mormons must keep calm and are not normally mercurial.
13) Palliate: to relieve or lessen without curing
14) Protocol: official procedure or system; an original draft
Joseph Smith claims the golden plates to be his protocol when regarding the book of Mormon.
15) Resplendent: shining brilliantly
Maroni is looked at as resplendent by the Mormons.
16) Stigmatize: to set some remark of disgrace or infamy upon.
Mormons stigmatize other religions.
17) Sub Rosa: confidentially; secretly
Joseph Smith kept the golden plates sub rosa.
18) Vainglory: excessive pride over ones achievements.
Kevin Price was full of vainglory before he went to Africa.
19) Vestige: a trace that something is no longer present
20) Volition: The act of willing
The entire mormon religion requires volition.
Again, no offense to any of ye mormons out there.
So. . .Iliana. . .just wondering, but do you know that I'm Mormon?
ReplyDeleteP.S. No offense was taken. :)